Saturday, 14 June 2014

Herald of the Gods

It was the Saint who lifted the gossamer veil from my face and bade me to drink from the cup of Apollo. The perfectly proportioned vessel – an item of matchless value and prestige - was fashioned of finely beaten gold, studded with pearls and onyx, which mirrored the torch lights so brilliantly that it appeared as a glowing flame to all who saw it.

When I had drunk of Apollo a priest stepped forward and placed a garland upon my head that was scented with the sacred flower of Parnassus. He gestured for me to look into the holy waters of Delphi, where I saw reflected the cosmic path of Psyche as it was mapped by planets and stars.

Time passed and the moon came. A vast yellow star, brighter than any other, was held in conjunction with the lamp of night, sphere of Zeus, father of the gods.

Something then occurred that delivered a profound shock to me. I was gazing deep into the dark and limpid waters, lulled into a state of trance by the light of the father, when a massive figure suddenly materialized by my left shoulder, forcing me to jump in panic and thereby loosening the grip of this mortal coil upon my soul.

In the moment that followed I felt a wave of euphoria, as if lifted by the moon steeds in Selene’s chariot. The one who had appeared beside me was shining bright as silver with eyes of mercury. I saw his winged cap and sandals, the staff with serpents twined around, and knew him at once to be Hermes, lord of time and travellers, herald of the gods.

It was then that I embarked upon my first true journey into dreams, which all the priests and priestesses must undertake. Hermes was my guide, author of time and messenger of the Gods, the one who showed me the way to other worlds.

I have friends in high places; they speak to me through poetry and dreams.

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